13 516существительное ↓
beluga caviar — белужья икра
granular caviar — зернистая икра
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
It is better than caviar.
Это лучше, чем икра.
Salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar.
Лососёвая икра продаётся на рынке как аналог осетровой.
These are not the sort of people who will eat caviar and lobsters.
Это не тот тип людей, которые будут есть икру и омаров.
When shall we start hearing about the timber deficit and the caviar deficit?
Когда мы начнем слышать о дефиците древесины и икры?
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
I may never use the caviar but the baked beans will come in very handy.
What was caviar to the general perhaps fifty years ago may now be perfectly acceptable.
One tempting answer is this we ought to give the caviar to the poor person because he is worse off.
...that pretentious couple always serves caviar at their parties, even though they themselves dislike it...
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