> 22 000 амер. |ˈseɪlzˌklɜrk|
брит. |ˈseɪlzklɑːk|
Russian English
продавец, продавщица
- продавец, приказчик; продавщица
Мои примеры
Примеры с переводом
...she wondered why the salesclerk at the boutique had given her an icy glare...
...она недоумевала, почему продавец в бутике бросил на нее ледяной взгляд...
The salesclerk told us where to find the jewelry department.
Продавец рассказал нам, где найти ювелирный отдел
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
...the salesclerk showed great reserve in dealing with the unreasonable demands of the angry customer...
...I let the salesclerk at the electronics store palaver me into a service contract that I didn't need....
...the couple finally agreed to let the salesclerk be the final arbitrator and tell them which shirt looked best...
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