Русско-английский словарь


сгиб — fold, bend, crease, ply, flexion, flexure, flection, inflection

сгибание — bending, flexion, flexure, inflection, incurvature, inflexion, flection

сгибать — bend, flex, buckle, fold, bow, curve, crook, crank, incurvate, inflect

сгибаться — bend, buckle, double up, bow, curve, bow down, crook, incurve

сгинуть — disappear

сгладить — smooth things over

сгладиться — flatten, smooth

сглаживание — smoothing

сглаживать — smooth, smooth out, smooth over, iron out, even, smooth away, sleek

сглаживаться — smooth, smooth out, be smoothed, smooth over, smooth away

сглаз — evil eye, whammy

сглазить — hoodoo, evil eye, touch wood

сглатывать — swallow hard

сглотнуть — swallow hard

сгнивать — rots, rot, decay

сгнить — rot, go bad

сгноить — let rot

сговариваться — conspire, concert, come to an agreement, arrange things, collude

сговор — collusion, cahoot, conspiracy

сговориться — gang up

сговорчивость — pliability, pliancy, amenability

сговорчивый — accommodating, tractable, pliable, amenable, appeasable, suasible

сгодиться — amiss, fit

сгонять — round up, whisk away, whisk, whisk off

сгорание — combustion

сгорать — burn, burn down, burn away, burn out, go up, burned

сгорбить — Hunched, curve, arch, hunch

сгорбленность — kyphosis, slouch

сгореть — fire-fang, burned up

сгоряча — rashly, in warm blood, in a fit of temper, in a temper

сграффито — sgraffito, scratch-work

сгребать — rake, shovel, rake up, shovel up, bank, shovel in, rake level

сгрудиться — crowd

сгружать — unload

сгрузить — downloaded, unload, download

сгрызть — gnawing, chew, gnaw

сгубить — ruin, kill

сгустить — thicken

сгуститься — thicken

сгусток — clot, bunch, gout, conglomeration, clod, coagulate, grume

сгущать — thicken, condense, coagulate, deepen, boil down, congeal, inspissate

сгущаться — thicken, condense, clot, coagulate, boil down, congeal, inspissate, curd

сгущение — thickening, condensation, concentration, compression, fixation

сгущенка — condensed milk